Tuesday, 10 April 2007

devil is in the details

Once susie left on Friday, I watched the video the next day, only to discover that it contained human voices (Susie and Mary having a chat...tsk tsk!) There was also a helicopter sound in one shot.

I spent saturday tidying up the sound and smoothing out the fades...

Susie came round today, to view the "final cut". Again, with fresh eyes, we spot several things that need tweaked. We lengthened fades, changed the title (from Rush hour to April 3rd 11.42 - 12.56), I also removed the overlayed alpha channel "border", as it seemed to create a grid over the video. I'd then clipped the original video, instead of using an overlay...

I will upload the video to youTube and link it here.

Needless to say, we're very happy with the result.

Listening to : various - electric lady land IV : various - min 2 max : bolthrower - warmaster

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