Tuesday, 20 February 2007

monday 19th - whitespace

Susie and I head into uni for 10.30 - 11 am...we find a studious Mary painting the walls Iain and I constructed last week (thursday 15th feb). We're still not quite sure how this "project" (of everyone having a week to "do something" in the space) is going to work out...assessment? peer review?...fah knhas. Moira isn't in, and it's her week, granted, it's still up in the air...

I returned the parkette, after reading a lot about RICHARD SERRA's work. The use of materials on a grand scale, simplification of shape, disection of space and shape. All interesting stuff, and might shape how I feel about my shot at the whitespace. I've written several words / thoughts about "quantification" (calculating, evaluating, deconstructing space / object / thoughts into component parts. It's like making a cake backwards, if you eat all the ingredients individually, it's nasty, but mix them, and bake them, it's a cake. I guess I am looking at why people need to disect, comodify and segregate to simplify a response? I think it leads to the deth of the essence of the object. I've often explained that, if you over analyse a joke, it ceases to be funny...perhaps mystery and the unkown is the thing that makes life life?

Listening to : mogwai - stanley kubrick : masters of misery - earache tribute to black sabbath.

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