Tuesday, 27 February 2007

SSA hand in - extra info

Susie had also reminded Gabi and I that the SSA deadline was today (tuesday 27th feb), and she so happened to be going to Edinburgh, so I've put in 2 pictures, one slate ("La Haine") and a new work based on the deconstructive work I'd done in semester one), "I don't have a dream" is Dr. Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech, run through one of my programs to deconstruct it, grounping all the words alphabettically. I printed it out on cartridge paper, cut out the only reference to "rascist", mounted it "floating" on a black background and put it in a broken frame, hand coloured with black felt pens, and held together with a belt (just so happens to be in the ANC colours too!). We'll see if they get in. I was pretty pleased with the work.

---------------- I don't have a dream :
a a a a a a a a a able able Alabama all an and and and and and and and are as at be be be be be black black boys boys brotherhood brothers but by by character children color content created creed day day day day day day down down dream dream dream dream dream dream dream dripping equal even evident former former four freedom Georgia girls girls governor hands have have have have have have have having heat heat hills his hold i i i i i i i in in in injustice interposition into its its its join judged justice lips little little little live live meaning men Mississippi my nation nation not nullification oasis of of of of of of of of of of of of on one one one one one one oppression out owners racists red right rise self sisters sit skin slave slaves sons sons state state sweltering sweltering table that that that that that that the the the the the the the the the the the their their there these they this to to to today today together transformed true truths up vicious We where white white will will will will will will with with with with with with words

I'd also got the Frieze magazine today, it's a "feminism" issue, looks fascinating.

Listening to : pigeonhed - full sentence : P - P (Gibby haynes, from the butthole surfers with Johnny Depp!)...

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