Friday, 11 May 2007

Finished essay

Well, I finished my essay for the semester 2 hand-in. From the guddle that was my "imaginary exhibition - quadrum", I'd completely changed tack, and written a far more traditional response, based on my experience and thoughts on the seminars I've attended. Iain Irving was instrumental in solidifying and directing me to this descision. He liked the idea of the "imaginary show", but felt that this task was not the place for such an Idea. After reading what I had, and what I have now, I completely agree. The essay spiraled into 3000 words, to which Iain said not to worry about. It's amazing to see how quickly words add up. The brevety and narrow scope one must impose is phenominal to get a point across, and argue it. (including citations etc!)

Listenign to : OM - variations on a theme : OM - conference of the birds : PSI performer - remixes (scorn, surgeon, 310 etc)

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