Monday, 16 July 2007

daily record - delightful (where's the smiley to denote disgust? :7(

Today’s paper is the Daily Record (another delightful voice of the nation, with calm, measured reportage…only kidding). It’s a piffling 26 pages, full of spurious and typically tabloid tripe. (you see! It’s affecting the way I speak! (type Phil, type). Perhaps this could be something to think about – a performance where I only talk in puns and alliteration? – I like the sound of that. What is it with alliteration and puns in tabloid headlines? This is the very nub of my research, the way that information is presented to people, what is it that tabloids want to convey? To me, a pun, or alliteration in this context clearly devalues the validity, or even gravitas of a story. Up Yours Delores, is a classic sun Anti European headline…how grown up is it?! – the capacity to educate and intellectually instruct nearly 8 million readers and they always default to bullying, school yard, childish, puerile (enough with the adjectives) tactics. Is it any wonder that the UK has such piss poor communication, neighbourly and tactful skills. It’s an obvious area of criticism, but, I just dispair, and want it to change…chickens and eggs? (this is where my idea of swapping out the sun front cover, for an independent (with sneaky sun logo) would be great…just once…

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