Monday, 23 July 2007


Full steam ahead with the dissertation. I’ve really started to fill in the blanks, when it comes to blocking in the previous dissertation structure. I’ve still been looking at internet sites for quotes from Hirschhorn & Ganahl and general facts / quotes about news / media stats.

I’ve started to know what is missing (quote / reference wise) from the intro, as I write, I know the areas I want to talk about, and find facts (quick searches on google / bbc etc) to justify my position – I’ve had these ideas bubbling in the back ground, formulating and distilling in my head over the last few weeks, but it is on;y now that I am “forming” them into words, do I see the areas which need backup and corroboration to back up my points.

One thing I am slightly worried about, is my intro rambles…even though I’ve structured it previously, I feel it’s getting a bit too “art history” in places, but, I’ll write it all (all three chapters, possibly the intro (again) based on the “total” writing, and a form of conclusion – edit and review (till I’ve run out of time!). I’ve got 17 “full days” to go, but I have to account for creating the “newspaper” layout and printing etc (if I do run out of time…it’ll be a boring old print out, and I’ll have to explain). I am planning on finishing the writing this week (Friday / Saturday) – review on Sunday / Monday (with Iain, if he’s back). I might send it to Joan Ingram, but It’s getting too tight to expect her to read, review and mark up, for me to then react and execute my idea of turning it into a newspaper format…(I still have to experiment with the newsprint through the printer….) so much to do! (I should put aside any “creative” treats and just get on with writing now). I’m aiming for a pass, but some form of “good mark” would be lovely, and make me believe more that I can work to a standard worthy of “good masters” level…

I stick the Daily Record to the Full Stop.

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