Saturday, 21 July 2007

a structure I am happy with...for now

Definitive action on structuring and forming a refined and focused direction for my dissertation. : the plan (today):

Structure of Dissertation – paragraph by paragraph
By Philip Thompson – MFA 2007

Overall approach and argument to special study in one paragraph.

Introduction / overview
Breakdown of all 3 chapters in condensed form. + Allusion to conclusion.
Chapter 1 – the Media in Art
(Sprinkle artistic relevant quotes / references throughout chapter 1 – make it pertinent to artistic questioning and practice)

Overview / intro to chapter (media in art)
The interest in the media, not the news stories.

Confused state when experiencing news – why?
Introduction to Questionnaire
Evidence from Questionnaires (various quotes)
My position (experience of watching / reading news)

Bias opinions – Left to right wing reportage
Spectrum of Bias (celebrated bias)
Neutral position, does it exist?

“Scope” of news – personal to global
Personal 1st hand experience
Levels of trust as scope grows
Bias shapes trust of facts (for and against)

Devices of dissemination – how information is spread

Assimilation of media – turning the tables on disinformation (using it for artistic practice)
Newpaper [sic] art / reaction
TV art / reaction
Internet art / reaction

Conclusion to chapter 1

Artists Dealing in Truth / Politic / Information / Technology
1. General to the specific (artistic practices) overview

2. General questioning of information
2a Keith Tyson -
2b Simon Patterson – the great bear
2c Adrian Piper – video installations – talking heads (racism)
2d Rafael Lozano-Hemmer – Interactive Surveillance

3. Media Specific critical questioning in artistic practice
3a Wang Du – Time tunnel
3b Thomas Hirschhorn -
3c Aernout Mik – Shifting Shifting
3d Rainer Ganahl – CNN / American position
3e Chris Morris / Armando Ianucci –

Chapter 2 conclusions
1. Range of questioning pros and cons
2. General / non media specific questioning (reasons for inclusion / relfection)
a. Tyson – general observations
b. Patterson – graphical relevance
c. Adrian Piper – political but not media critical
d. Hemmer – Scope of “media”
3. An identification of a contextual rich community, critiquing the media within their artistic practice.
a. Wang Du – confusion and worldly scope
b. Hirschhorn – overload and confusion
c. Mik – realistic / unrealistic comparisons
d. Ganahl – internet savvy / conduit to USA and Iraq
e. Morris – humour and satire to question news / larger audience(?)
4. General observations - Confidence to ask, but not answer questions regarding news / media criticality

My Practice
(Each dissection of my work MUST include a contextual reference to other artists work.)
1. Reiteration of “confused” position – how & why this makes me question the media (and experience as a whole).

2. Exploration of design and fine art skills as “an arsenal” of techniques to question and convey my practice.

3. General works questioning data / fact / information
“Iterative digital decay ” – exploration of subtle change leading to drastic alteration of original input.
“You and I” – abstraction of data
“I don’t have a dream” – abstraction / simplification of language

4. Specific Media Critical works
“Full Stop” – Newspaper criticality
(reference “newpaper” background / relevance)
“speech bubbles” – Forced opinion / paper & internet (static & ephemeral)
“Herald” – Brutal simplicity / confusing overloaded inputs (news readers)
“newsFucks” – Clashing oversimplified oppositions

Chapter 3 conclusion
1. That confusion is an interesting breeding ground for ideas creation and work.
2. Crossover of skill sets – design and fine art practice gives my position strength.
3. Generalised approach to understanding leads to specificity in questioning through reflection of practice.
4. Medium and media can produce interesting crossovers and opportunities for investigation, specific to media criticism.

Overall Conclusion
(Each dissection of my work MUST include a contextual reference to other artists work.)

Overall 4 point assessment of “special study”

I stuck the daily mirror onto the Full Stop today.

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